Saturday, July 16, 2011

Ben Jammin

Thank you blueberry capital of the world and a lazy hot day to Jam some Blues in the kitchen

What are we going to do with all this jam?

Em Jammin

In other news, Thomas is refusing to eat solids!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

My Twin Cousin's Baptism

My First Baptism where I didn't get wet

First Rainbow (and it wasn't the meditation hymn at the baptism YAY!)

First Babchi Yard Sale. she gave me so many nice baskets!

First First Communion and Party of my God Sister Addison

Spring Firsts

My First Wedding of my old roomate

I'm visiting my Babchi's church where she was baptized.

Considering a cloistered life

and Daddy has too much free time today!

My First First Mass with Fr. David Friel May 22, 2011

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Thomas Baptism Apr 9

Baptism Begins Outside

After a few prayers and a procession Thomas is Baptized


The Light of Christ

Popop, Nanna, Mom and Thomas, Ben, Babchi and Grandpop

What a Party!

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Daddy's Birthday party

Smiling at 2 months

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Thomas' Birthday!

I didn't have to change the Name of this Blog; Thomas it was Thomas it stays!

Thomas' First Mass

Mom and Dad welcome their Baby Boy Home 1 week Old

The Naglieri Family with Baby Thomas

Push Prize

Thomas Joseph Fratto is born at Lourdes Hospital

6lb 4 oz.


Ben still thinks we can go out to dinner.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Before the Birth

A quick documentation of life before the baby.

Baby Shower

Mom's Bybybabchi Quilt for Emily

Emily's Shower Gifts

A little bit of snow after Christmas to dig out

The Toothbrush Trio

Baking up a storm

An extended family of 12 enjoy Nonna and Nonni's 60th Wedding Anniversary

Praying at a morning daily Low Mass in Newark

The family of 3 at Christmas 2010